Category:Headshot Advice
When I have a studio headshot session, I try to get a feel for the overall mood and style my subject wants. If it is for actor headshots, corporate headshots, or some personal branding, the lighting is a big part of the overall result. I, of course, also have my go-to setups for headshot lighting. These setups work well for all different people – they’re flattering, create nice catchlights in the eyes, and I know the setups off by heart. […]
Posing for Actor Headshots: Actor headshots are one of those necessary, important things. But they aren’t always everyone’s favourite thing to do. One of the things that gets some people stuck is the posing – that feeling of not knowing what to do in front of a camera. Feeling awkward. Overthinking and stressing. Of course your headshot photographer should be able to direct you and give you some cues that will help with the posing. I also believe it helps […]
Common flash mistakes to avoid (and how to fix them): Studio photography can feel like a constant learning curve. When using flash in the studio, it’s not just a matter of turning on a few lights. Off-camera flash, when controlled correctly, can create amazing lighting effects. However, when not correctly controlled, flash can make you look like an amateur. Below are six common flash mistakes you should try to avoid, with a little information on how to correct them. Here […]
What to wear? That’s one of the big considerations before having your actor headshots taken. While your outfit isn’t the feature of your headshot (you’re the star of the shot after all!), considering your outfit can make a big impact on the final image. Firstly, it is important to wear something that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and happy. You’ll look much more relaxed in the shots. When you’re not stressing about your outfit during the shoot, you can focus […]
You have decided that you want some professional headshots or portraits taken (or thinking about it at least). But there are thousands of photographers to consider. How do you find the right one? There are many things to consider: * Price * The Photographer and the experience * What is included * Your end result * The final investment Photography is more than just price: Many people make decisions based of price. Having and working to a budget is an […]
What you miss, when all you do is tell: It is pretty easy to create a webpage, a Facebook page, and an email account. How many emails do you get claiming a particular company will get you ranking as #1 on Google. How many of those emails do you just delete straight away? Tell, tell, tell. Many businesses focus solely on the copy of their website or marketing tactics. They might have an About page with a chunk of text […]
We all need our point of difference. It is important to know what sets us apart from our competition. Your professional image is just one way to set yourself above the rest, and compete with the big brands.
Building a personal brand is something we should all be thinking about. Social media allows potential clients to cast quick and ruthless first impressions. So how exactly can an image affect your personal branding?
Without light, we cannot make photographs. The lighting in a photograph makes a huge difference to its final result. Ultimately, it is the lighting that makes people determine what is a good photograph and what is a bad photograph.
Selfies are easy right? You can take one right now. It is barely even an emotional investment. It is quick, simple, accessible. But they don’t cut it in the world of professionalism.
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