About Julia • Julia Nance Portraits - Melbourne Headshot Photography

Category:About Julia

Julia Nance Portraits photography studio in melbourne

Julia Nance Portraits Studio: Ringwood East, Melbourne

The New Home For Julia Nance Portraits In one of the biggest changes to Julia Nance Portraits I’ve had, I’ve signed a commercial lease! What does this mean? It means that my studio will now be bigger and better, more central, and give a few more opportunities. I’m so excited for this next stage, and can’t wait to share more about it! Where am I now? The studio is located in Ringwood East, which is in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs in […]

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Portrait of professional potter Graeme Anderson in Lightning Ridge while on his pottery wheel

Holiday Portraits – A Trip to Lightning Ridge, NSW

A bit of a personal post here… I recently took a much-needed break, and drove up north to Lightning Ridge, a remote opal mining town in Northern NSW. I was visiting an old friend, Graeme, who I’ve been in contact with since I was about 10 or 11. It had been two long since I had seen him, and honestly this is a trip I had been meaning to do for years. How did I meet Graeme? Initially, Graeme and […]

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Things to do in the Yarra Valley after your headshot session

Make a day of it! There are so many things to do in the Yarra Valley after you’ve had your headshots taken. I’m Julia, a headshot specialist based in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Most headshot specialists are found in more metropolitan areas, but I wanted to bring specialised headshot services to the suburbs and luckily for me, I live in such a wonderful part of the world. I focus on corporate headshots, personal branding, actor headshots, model portfolios, […]

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Reflecting on one-year as a headshot photographer

The Year I Launched Julia Nance Portraits I can’t really believe that we have entered into 2019! 2018 seemed to go so quickly, yet a lot happened for me in that time. It was just over one year ago that I touched back down in Melbourne after travelling Europe. I felt like I was stepping into the unknown. Previously in 2017 I had left my job to travel. Whilst overseas I made the decision to put everything I could into […]

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What children’s portraiture has taught me about headshots

When I’m not photographing headshots for actors or business professionals, I’m possibly taking portraits of children. I absolutely love this, and while it can be challenging at times, capturing a child’s personality while they are in their element at childcare or kinder is an amazing feeling. I work with a small team of amazing photographers: Jenny and Linda. Jenny has built up her business, Suga Snaps Photography, and refined her craft and the art of children’s photography. She brought me […]

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Fun Facts About Me

The Facts! Want to get to know me a little more? Here are a bunch of fun facts about me. Be warned: I am a little dorky (but I am completely okay with that!). 1 – I am Harry Potter obsessed. This series of books took over my childhood. In primary school I had a harry potter club at the age of 9, where me and a friend sorted students into houses, ran classes, and gave out detention (all during […]

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5 Month Trip

How A 5 Month Adventure Inspired Me.

My journey since graduating University has taken many directions. I have worked as a portrait photographer for graduation ceremonies; as a photo retoucher, printer and restorer at a local camera shop; explored many areas of photography that I am passionate about; and travelled across sixteen countries.

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A Collection of My Self Portraits

We’re In The Age Of The Selfie Right? Most people have access to smartphones with front cameras, selfie sticks, or self timer on an actual camera. We have snapchat and Instagram stories to share ourselves, add filters to, and send to others. I’ve grown up with cameras and digital technology that have allowed me to do this. From capturing a new Myspace profile photo or capturing a pose in order to refer to when painting in high school art class, […]

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I used Photoshop to Manipulate These Self Portraits

Photo Retouching, Post Production, Image Manipulation. All these areas have captivated me since I was about 16. I remember researching and practicing on photoshop during my art classes in high school. When I went to university I was even more excited to be learning Digital Imaging from an Adobe Ambassador. It was here I really pushed myself into achieving more, and better results. This area requires discipline. It requires dedication and practice. I was retouching and restoring old photos for […]

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My Other Work: Underwater Portraits

My Other Work Underwater Portraits I love underwater photography! It’s not a secret. I’ve written about it here and have another website where you can see a lot of my underwater work, and purchase prints too. I also have a dedicated Instagram account to my underwater photography adventures. The Challenge Of Photographing People Underwater: While there is nothing like photographing whales and seals underwater, photographing people is an interesting experience too. All underwater photography is a little more challenging. Handling […]

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