Category:Headshot Advice
Who Is Behind Your Business? I look through a lot of websites. One thing I dislike, is an impersonal website. Anyone can make a website now. WordPress, Wix, Squarespace – all these platforms have taken away the complexity of coding for the everyday person. Which is why I think it is more important than ever to add validity to your website. Show your potential clients who you are. This can be achieved very simply: with a Meet The Team webpage, […]
A Professional Photographer Makes A Big Impact On Your Headshot: Of course, there are many people claiming to be professionals out there. Lots of people who own cameras and have figured out they can charge to take your photograph. Those who have decided ‘I can do that’. The key to finding a professional is to look at their actual folio of work, read testimonials and reviews, and find out a little about them (their qualifications, experience, and attitude to business). […]
5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Corporate Headshot Session: Simple preparation goes a long way! If you’ve made the decision to get a professional corporate headshot taken, start with these 5 tips to make sure you get the most out of your photography investment. You can only benefit from proper planning! A professional headshot is incredibly valuable, but it does require some thought on your end too! 1. Start with getting to know your photographer. Begin by […]
Selfies and unprofessional headshots: A headshot is a valuable thing. They can be used everywhere: from your website, to Linkedin and other social media, they are the tool that puts a face to your name. They also start communicating who you are and what you are like. It is a way for potential clients to make a quick judgement of you. So your headshot creates a first impression. I see so many selfies and unprofessional photos on Linkedin, social media, […]
A Good Headshot Library: I’ve often discussed headshot libraries. For actors, they’re incredibly important. They are an asset to you career, and a pathway to landing yourself in the room. While showing various characters is a great start (read more about that here), your headshots need to convey a range of emotions too. Your library of headshots compliments your showreel, and they’re much quicker to look at and absorb. They need to be authentic and eye catching. So to properly […]
Headshot Clothing Choices: What to wear seems to be a common dilemma, and getting a headshot or portrait taken can really put the pressure on. I discuss a little more about what to wear to a headshot session in another blog post, but here we will be looking specifically at necklines, and how different necklines work for different shots. Knowing your crop length: Consider this first. Where do you want to sit within the frame of your final shots? Do […]
In a headshot, the eyes are what we would like to be drawn to. It is vital that they are in focus so that they stand out and complete the shot. As they are so important, it is great to understand how to change the eyes to really make them sparkle. “That Look”. Some portraits have a spark to them. The eyes can communicate a lot of things – such as happiness, trust, or fierceness. Sometimes a certain look can […]
1. Knowing What You Want: To get the most out of your headshot session there are some things you need to consider: Why do you want a headshot? What will you use it for? What do you want it to look like? Start discussing with your photographer what you are hoping to achieve. 2. Deciding on Indoor or Outdoor: For my longer sessions, we can often do a little of both natural light, and studio light headshots. For shorter sessions, […]
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography. For portraiture, there are a few types of lighting that are popular, and knowing what type of lighting you like is a great start. Below, let’s look at some examples of different portraiture lighting, and some of the terms used to describe them. A professional photographer should be trained in manipulating lighting to achieve something that not only creates mood, but suits your look precisely. You can see varied lighting […]
Your Headshot Library: Actors need to have great headshots – that we all know. But for different jobs one amazing headshot might not cut it. Begin considering the various roles you are aiming for. If you are interested in being in a crime drama, make sure you have shots that reflect this. Additionally, you may need some more commercial images if you’re considering getting into commercial acting as well. Your crime-drama headshot might not suit playing the happy mother of […]
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