Category:Headshot Advice
What is the best colour to wear for headshots? You’ve come here for an answer to a simple question, and instead you’ve got yourself a blog post? To answer the question quickly: there is no BEST colour to wear. But there are lot of colours that look great, and some will work better than others depending on your skin tone and eye colour in particular. So, despite the fact you’re seeing a lot of text below… I am here to […]
Should you smile in a professional headshot? Expression is so important in your headshot, and knowing exactly how your expression should look can be tough. But that’s where your photographer comes in! A professional headshot photographer will help coach you with expression throughout your photoshoot. That still doesn’t help with the question – so let me expand below. Your expression should represent you: Ultimately, your headshot shows who you are as a person. It makes a first impression. It gives […]
Headshot Do’s and Don’ts… Every person is unique, which means that no two headshots are the same. It’s one of the things I love most about being a headshot photographer. Being able to create unique images that portray a person is a wonderful experience. It means that no two headshot sessions are the same. There are a few guidelines, however, that you may want to consider if you’re looking at hiring a professional headshot photographer. Do: Find a photographer who […]
What should you wear for your LinkedIn Headshot? You’ve decided to update your LinkedIn headshot. Or at least, it’s on your mind that it needs doing. It can be a tricky and tedious thing to update your headshots. LinkedIn is a platform where we are making first impressions all the time. Every comment, post and search result shows that headshot whether you like it or not. Your headshot on LinkedIn is more than just a visual. It puts a face […]
How Much Do Headshots Cost? There is no single answer to how much a headshot will cost. I also don’t have an answer to the ‘correct’ price for a headshot. The truth is, headshots vary in cost, and they vary for a lot of reasons. You’ll find variations in price due to individual business costs, the experience you’re getting, the expertise of the photographer, popularity, location and so much more. What price range is out there? To give you a […]
Is my selfie good enough for a headshot? It’s 2023 – we’re in amongst technology at almost every waking moment. Covid-19 exposed us to remote working, remote learning, zoom calls, lockdowns and isolation. Our reliance on online communication is at an all-time high. So when it comes to the way we represent ourselves, we have the most control we ever had. Gone are the days of the darkroom, the 24-hour film processing, the pixellated point-and-shoot cameras. So what does this […]
How do I find a good headshot photographer? Have you ever struggled having your photograph taken before? Finding the process awkward or uncomfortable?Did you end up with headshots that didn’t feel right, or even really look like you? If so, it’s likely that you haven’t quite bonded with your photographer. It could be that the conversation didn’t flow, you don’t like their photography style, or they over-retouched your photos. Finding a headshot photographer sounds simple enough, but there are things […]
Power Dressing for Your Business Headshot Photography is important to everyone. It’s used to tell stories, evoke thoughts, even define personality, and that’s no different when it comes to business headshots. Some of the biggest companies in the world find those shots important enough to feature them on their websites with top-level CEOs like Satya Nadella of Microsoft. Nadella, who became the CEO of the software giant in 2014, clearly takes his headshot seriously. His clothing matches that relaxed but […]
2021 Style Guide For Headshots & Personal Branding 5 personal branding trends to follow 2021 feels like a fresh of breath air. In Melbourne, 2020 had us enduring long lockdowns and disruption to business and daily life. But now, 2021 has an uplifting feel in the air. We resume our normal life, and people are beginning to get back into their routines again. While we in a covid lockdown up last year, many of us had a lot of time […]
What should you wear for your LinkedIn Headshot? If you’re currently using a headshot across your social platforms, email and website, then that’s great – you’re on the right track. However, it’s important to make sure your headshot stays up to date and relevant. What should my headshot say? Essentially, your headshot communicates who you are. It’s a vice to guide first impressions. Which is why it’s important that your headshot is capturing the right things. For you, this might […]
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